Accommodations & Amenities

At St. Joseph’s Health Hospital, we are committed to providing for your care and comfort. Please use this section to familiarize yourself with everything available to you and your family during your hospital stay.
Find directions and parking information for St. Joseph's Health here.
ATM Location
A 24-hour automated teller machine that accepts Plus, Cirrus and Discover, among others, is located off the main hospital lobby. There is also a change machine that accepts $1 and $5 bills located there.
Holy Grounds
Holy Grounds gourmet coffee bar is located off the hospital’s main lobby. They offer Starbucks fresh-brewed coffee, espresso-based drinks, iced and blended drinks, pastries, soups, salads and sandwiches. The café hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily.
Journey Café
The Journey Café is located on the second floor of the hospital across from the visitors’ elevators. Hours are from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. daily. Our culinary team offers a wide variety of foods prepared to order and ready to grab and go such as sandwiches, salads, soups, grilled foods and more. Visitors are welcome at any time.
Public Wireless Internet Access - iGuest
Public wireless Internet access is now available for St. Joseph's Health patients and visitors to use with their personal notebooks, laptops and other wi-fi mobile devices. iGuest may be accessed from any common public area and patient units within the hospital. Users are required to use battery power only when on patient units and in patient rooms for safety reasons. In addition, as with most wireless, public connections, iGuest is not secure, so users should not transmit sensitive information.
How To Connect
- Click on “iGuest” network connection
- Start your Internet Browser
Can’t Connect?
- Try another location
- Consult your device documentation or contact the manufacturer
- Assist in troubleshooting by completing a Wireless Troubleshooting form found at the hospital lobby Information Desk.
NOTE: Hospital staff cannot troubleshoot problems. The user assumes all responsibility for the use of iGuest.
Gift Shop
Lori’s Gifts is located is located on the first floor of the hospital off the main lobby.
A portion of the proceeds from Lori’s Gifts and Holy Grounds benefit St. Joseph’s Health by way of the Auxiliary of St. Joseph’s Health Hospital.
Local Hotels
To assist our visitors, we have compiled a list of local hotels here.