Diabetes Self-Management

Diabetes Care

Take Charge of Your Diabetes

With Diabetes, What You Don't Know Can Hurt You.

Diabetes is a serious health problem. It can lead to heart and kidney disease, loss of vision and amputation. Current studies show that with good management, complications can be significantly decreased and delayed.

In St. Joseph's Diabetes Self-Management Program, you will learn what good diabetes control is and how to attain it. You will get support from a nurse and a dietitian to make lifestyle changes. St. Joseph's Diabetes Program is recognized by the American Diabetes Association for quality self-management education. *

How the Program Works:
  • The course lasts approximately five weeks.
  • The first two sessions are private and take about one hour each. At one session, a registered nurse who is a certified diabetes educator will teach you how and when to test your blood sugar. You will learn what the results mean and how to begin to control them. In another session, a registered dietitian will assess your diet and help you make changes that help control diabetes to increase overall health.
  • The next part of the program consists of three group sessions that will provide education, practice, discussion and support. You are encouraged to bring a support person—a friend or family member—with you.
  • Each week you will get materials to take home. You are encouraged to call with questions between sessions or after you have completed the program.
  • Eight weeks after the last meeting you will return for a follow-up visit. Your progress toward your diabetes goals will be discussed and fine-tuned.

Group and private sessions are held at St. Joseph's Healthcare Network Building on Taft Road in the North Medical Center Complex, Liverpool. Day or evening group sessions take place every month. Private sessions are weekdays are available by appointment.


"...With the combination of watching my carbs and trying to stick to a diabetes diet, as well as walking and working out, I have lowered my blood pressure to normal. The doctor has cut my cholesterol medication in half, I have lost 49 pounds, and my average blood glucose level has gone from 8 to 5.7, that's normal...."
- Sandy, Patient

"...The classes deliver vital information that helps my patients take better care of themselves...."
- Marya Gendzielewski, MD, Physician

Registration: To register, you or your physician may call 315-448-5387.

Cost: The cost varies according to services provided. The program is covered by Medicare. Private insurance coverage depends on the plan.


*The American Diabetes Association recognizes this educational service as meeting the National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education.